The Best Feature Writers For Hire – The Urban Writers

The Best Feature Writers For Hire


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The Best Feature Writers For Hire

Have you ever wondered whether freelance feature writing is for you? Or if you should include it as a sign that becoming a feature writer is the key to your next success story? Well, if you ask us, we'll say that it depends...

Do you enjoy connecting with new people? Are you always curious about the story behind a business, brand, article, or someone's journey in life? Better yet, do you gravitate toward the top news stories, be they in print or a digital medium? Do you find yourself reading feature articles in your favorite magazines?

If your answer is "yes" to any of these and you enjoy reporting on what you've read, then feature writing may just be the way to access the success you've been waiting for! And you can become the next top feature writer by using our platform!

If you're someone who is great at digging out information, allows your curiosity to lead you when you write, and loves telling stories in an interesting and witty way, then writing articles as a feature writer is the key to your happiness.

Find Out About Feature Writers

What Is a Feature Writer?

First things first, many define a feature writer as someone who documents and retells stories, while engaging with the subject material in a creative way. Some people think a feature writer is a journalist. Others think they are freelance writers, and some think they are creative writers.

While feature writers have all of the above-mentioned criteria in common, feature writing is not your typical form of writing articles. This is far different from blogging, creative writing, or merely posting information on websites.

A feature writer use elements of creative writing, weaving words together in a way that keeps the reader interested. They also have a journalistic flare to create articles, industry features, and stories that get featured in an array of different media forms.

Basically, a feature writer is not your everyday writer! They have a mastery of words and attention to detail about a specific subject, giving readers perspective through their writing. They not only report facts but wield a lot of power when they write opinion-based articles.

A feature writer is great evoking emotion, making you feel as if you are in the story itself, that it's more than just a publication or random words. A feature writer's work is a beautiful blend of creative writing and storytelling that meets factual detail and education.

What Is a Feature Story?

A feature story is a long piece of narrative nonfiction that goes into a lot of details about a single subject. Think of it as summarizing an entire event into an article that will be published in multiple newspapers.

News features, in-depth profiles, human interest stories, science, technology, communication, and data storytelling are some examples of feature stories. But one of the key characteristics of an experienced feature writer is the quality and conciseness of their reporting.

Feature stories are typically popular within news organizations, particularly those that invest in journalism. When dealing with these organizations, you need to ensure your feature article does not have thousands of words. Remember, many others need to understand your story.

Over the years, private companies have adopted this style of long-form content and begun producing their own feature story that showcases their clients, investors, founders, executive team members, and product suites—either on a monthly or weekly basis.

A feature story has a wide variety of topics one can write about. It's often a mix of journalism and entertainment, making the facts interesting while engaging the readers. Think of an article in a newspaper. It's to the point and has all the gripping facts.

Feature stories require a lot of thorough research, and a feature writer must be detail-oriented with their writing. Feature writing is a delicate balance between providing straight news and inserting flair with a creative and journalistic writing style.

Creating Stories Through Creative Writing

What Are the Types of Feature Writing?

We are bombarded with feature writing every single day because it's incredibly popular and comes in many different forms. And it doesn't matter which type you're proficient in; if you join our team at The Urban Writers, you will accelerate your growth as a feature writer! Below are a few forms of feature writing.

Profile Writing

This involves everyday people, famous personalities, celebrities, and authors who are notable within the greater community. Topics could involve a public figure retiring from showbiz or a 6-year-old with an incredibly high IQ.


Interviews are typically reserved for notable figures and prominent personalities. They will be translated as news stories for the public and will most likely have a shortened version as an article in newspapers.

They are typically informational and educational in style and share opinion-based content on certain topics of sociocultural discourse in society, politics, healthcare, careers, world news, technology, or anything else that is of major value.

Information-Based Feature

This consists of any feature that is of historical, social, or everyday practical interest. An information feature is designed to inform and educate the public. Think of it as a more informative "sign" that a member of the public is reading.

The writing style is more conversational. You will use more colloquial language rather than something that is more professional!

Personality Sketch

This type of feature writing is best suited for someone writing a biography! As a writer, you want to be able to create multiple articles that reflect different aspects of the subject's personality. Alternatively, a single article that packages everything together well is also very common.

As a feature writer in this class, you will use websites to research these individuals and combine them with their own preferences. In this way, the words you use are representative of them as holistic individuals.

When writing about a person, here are a few things that you will want to cover as a feature writer. These are the details that readers will want to know:

  • Name: Including any nicknames or anecdotes.

  • Personality: Describing their energy, their sense of humor or lack thereof, their innate sense of open vs. closed aura.

  • Background: Where they're from, a backstory or origin story of how they started, and even the jobs they may have had.

  • Physical appearance

  • Environment: Their childhood background, how they grew up, and where they currently are.

  • Hobbies: Things they pursue, their passion projects. Do they have their own personal websites that people can refer to if they want to know more about them?

  • How they relate to others and their impact.

  • Anecdotes/observation: Their sense of dress and fashion, any quirks and habits, or any favorite sayings.

A great feature writer knows how to dance on the fine line between entertainment, compelling storytelling, and information.


Also known as mini features, these are short, punchy, attention-grabbing headlines that give you a play-by-play of events in chronological order. They usually end with impact words that provide a sudden surprise.


If you love to travel and experience diverse cultures and cuisines, write about all your experiences! Great, right? Travel feature writing can include:

  • Travel locations

  • Hotel reviews

  • Cuisine reviews

  • Sightseeing

And much, much more!

Fiction Feature

Another form of feature writing is fiction writing. Consider it a combination of honoring literary figures, popular books, and works of fiction.

Some ideas for writing a fiction feature include:

  • The top 10 books to read this year.

  • Featuring your favorite fiction author.

  • Writing on a theme from a fiction novel.

How Does One Become a Freelance Feature Writer?

Many feature writers enter the news writing space after they graduate from college or university with a bachelor's degree and/or a master's degree in English literature, Creative Writing, Journalism, Communication, or History.

These individuals are basically out looking for jobs, and are looking to add their individuality to any and all companies that are willing to hire them.

Create Your Own Feature Writer Jobs

There's nothing like carving out a niche for yourself by building your own thought leadership as a feature writer. Many feature writers also create video blogs and don't limit themselves to the written medium. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless!

You don't even need to see the word "job" to start being a freelance writer. Many people even use this opportunity as a side hustle to generate a little extra income.

Apply to Write for Your Local Newspaper, Radio Station, or Magazine

Search "feature writers" or "freelance writer" on job search sites. Your next job could very well be at your local news station, newspaper, or even a national or international one.

Pitch a news story that you have written to the newsroom or magazines. You never know when your next job as a feature writer will find you!

Enroll in Writing Courses and Certifications

Good feature writers stay ahead of the curve by brushing up on their writing skills. Hire that writing coach. Good writers are always learning and make sure to write regularly.

Write about topics you've never explored before. Develop versatility as a writer. This will increase your chances of finding a job or position as a feature writer.

Network Often

Join an online or in-person writing group. Attend a writing seminar or conference. Engage with local business owners and pitch your writing to them!

You never know, they might be looking to hire a freelance writer or, specifically, a feature writer who is able to create feature articles for their internal and external projects!

Apply for Feature Writer Jobs at Publication or Content Creation Companies

As an aspiring feature writer, don't underestimate the power of a basic job search. Make a list of your favorite publication companies, magazines, brands, businesses, and news companies and then apply for freelance feature writer positions.

Some of these jobs might be based on-site or at another location! Many publications, media, news outlets, and magazines need national and international coverage.

Get Comfortable With Pitching Your Idea

The more you "cold pitch" to newspapers, editors, or publications, the more comfortable you'll be. Never write off a "no." It might mean nothing right now, but there's always room for a "yes," especially if you continue to refine your craft and build your writing portfolio.

What Skills Do Feature Writers Need to Have?

As a feature writer, you need to be organized, creative, and love public speaking or connecting with people.

Some excellent skills to have as a feature writer are:

  • being detailed.

  • being able to review and edit your work.

  • being well-spoken and well-written.

  • being resourceful and curious—your next story lead may come from the most unexpected source.

  • having experience in news writing.

  • having a bachelor's degree and/or master's degree in English Literature, Communications, Journalism, Publishing, Media Relations, or a similar field.

  • public speaking and interview skills.

  • the ability to entertain and have fun while writing with depth and being able to accurately inform and connect with the reader.

How Much Does a Feature Writer Make?

On average, freelance writers can earn per word, anywhere from $15 to $75 per hour, or $30,000 to $63,000 in salary. However, this depends on:

  • How long they have been a freelance feature writer

  • What their writing portfolio looks like

  • Other specializations, online course certifications, or skill sets they have

When you start on a career path as a feature writer, you might have to accept jobs that don't pay as well. However, it's part of the journey!

And remember: As you build your writing portfolio, your client base will grow!

What Are Some Freelance Feature Writing Career Paths?

The career path potential for a feature writer is incredible!

You can start out as a freelance writer and eventually work your way up to being a writer and editor, a consultant, or a marketing and communications manager.

Other career areas include being a Marketing Director, Product Manager, or Chief Marketing Officer, to name a few.

Being a feature writer can be a really fun, lucrative, and interesting career path. Writing features that keep the reader engaged, informed, and educated is a craft.

You are being entrusted to share the story, the depth, and the history behind a historical, social, or geographic event, or perhaps someone's life story.

Choose our feature writers

In Summary

If you are someone who is looking to grow their personal brand and career as a feature writer, especially writing for a company that is equally passionate about writing and content creation, we encourage you to apply for a feature writer job with us.

If you don't know where to start honing your skills, take a peek at some of our online courses on editing and style guides offered within The Urban Writers Academy!

Your success as a feature writer has just begun!

Frequently asked questions
Can You Pay an Expert to Proofread?

Absolutely! You shouldn't pay others to write your academic work, but it's currently legal to hire someone to proofread your writing.

What's the Average Proofreading Hourly Rate

There's no exact amount for an average proofreading hourly rate. Each freelance proofreader editor charges based on their skills, education, professional background, and experience.

How Much Does Proofreading Cost?

While each editor has their individual pay rates, your cost will vary depending on the type of work you need. It will also depend on the type and volume of your writing.

Step 2
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Step 3
Track and Manage Your Project

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Step 4
Download and Share

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Step 1
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