Freelance Headline Writers For Hire In 2022 | The Urban Writers

The Best Freelance Headline Writers for Hire

Headlines can be your reader magnet or your undoing. Learn why creative headlines are so important, and why you should turn the work over to a headline writer.


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Are you struggling to write a stunning headline or a book title? Perhaps you wrote an amazing blog post and put days into perfecting it. Yet, all you can come up with are a couple of words that roughly describe the topic, but don't quite fit the content or show your style.


Luckily, The Urban Writers is here to help.

Freelance headline writers

Before you decide that hiring a writer to do your headline, thinking it's really a redundant venture, think again. Are you sure you realize just how important headlines are for your content to become recognizable?

If you’re publishing a blog post, your headline has a huge effect on your search engine visibility. If you fail to include the right keywords, your post likely won’t show up in relevant searches.

Headlines play an even more important role in print publications than they do in online content. Boring, overly long, or awkward-sounding titles can throw off readers and make your content appear uninteresting. This is a major loss for an aspiring author like yourself, who’s put in a ton of work creating beautiful writing.

On the flip side, an exciting, impactful heading can attract your readers' attention and increase your book sales—the same way it can boost your blog post’s online traffic and SEO ranking.

Why Do You Need a Headline Writer?

While there are no writers currently specializing in headlines alone, you benefit from understanding why working with a professional is always a better alternative to experimenting on your own or using online generators.

Here are some of the main reasons why you should turn over your headline writing to an expert:

Hire headline writer

A Perfect Headline

Engaging headlines increase your readership and help your content rank better in search engines. Well-written blog titles find easier ways to reach your target audience, increasing the ranking and reach of your online content.

Rank High in Search Engines

These writers specialize in stylistic knowledge that's beneficial in writing effective headlines. At the same time, they have the necessary SEO skills to write fantastic titles based on keyword research.

Aside from that, a writer like this is able to generate title ideas based on relevant search results and insight into the most popular titles out there.

Brand Authenticity

Each author has their own brand identity and a specialty headline writer helps infuse their unique tone and voice into the working title. A generator might be a useful machine to streamline the process, but it can never replace a living, breathing creator who can conjure and optimize titles of deep meaning.

You still need to keep an eye on AI.

Attention Grabbing Headlines Attract Readers

Awesome headlines stand out from the bunch. People read the books that catch their eye, and titles are among the best tools to do that. Having an interesting headline means that your reader is more likely to notice it, which increases your potential readership.

Human headline writer

Why Do Authors Struggle to Write Headlines?

Writer's block is the most frequent culprit behind one's inability to write a effective headline. Writer's block can happen for several different reasons. Sometimes, writers can get exhausted after spending days or months writing for publication.

Other times, writers can become insecure in their ability to write a good headline, so they'd rather avoid trying overall.

Either way, the best way forward is to commit to overcoming the block and decide not to publish your work before you've found the perfect headline or book title.

What Are Title Generators?

Title generators are software solutions that create headline ideas based on your book's topic, genre, and keywords. Most title generators are easy to use, and you have both free tools and paid solutions available if you wish to try them out.

How to Use a Generator for Your Book or Blog Post

While most generators promise to generate title ideas that make your post or news titles stand out, the truth is a little different. You can only partially use generators for writing headlines since they produce generic headline types. These headlines lack context and might be ill-suited for your specific topic, style, and audience.

Chances are that you'll only be able to use these web tools as a first step to working out cool, SEO-friendly headlines. Remember, SEO rules apply to print copies as well, since many readers make purchasing decisions based on website reads and recommendations.

If you wish your ideal audience to discover your book, news article, or web content, remember that people click on the short headlines that appear most interesting or most relevant to their searches. This means that you need to have a good sense of what will work well for your content.

For example, if you wish to limit your title to 10 or 15 words, you can generate a few samples using the software, and then proceed to work out more creative titles from the results.

The Top Three Book Title Generator Ideas

While no successful titles can be entirely made by a headline generator, they can be of good use for inspiration. With this in mind, here are our suggestions for a headline generator to use on your book titles:


You only have one shot at publishing the perfect title for your book, so you better get it right. You increase your chances of success by having as many great suggestions as possible. Luckily, this tool gives you hundreds of keyword combinations for your topic.

All you need to do is fill out the necessary boxes, and then you can start brainstorming your next idea.

Emotion Analyzer

You can’t use overly generic titles for your books, but you only have so many options to work with unless you want your audience to confuse yours with some other author’s title.

What to do then? Once you’ve shortlisted your next headline idea, you can run them through a quick scan to see what emotions they invoke.

This software scans your title for emotional response and tells you what emotional marketing score your title gets. The higher the emotional value, the likelier the title is to get Instagram and Facebook likes and shares, indicating that it attracts attention.


If you’re already committed to certain book title options, but you don’t know if they’ll work well for your audience, you can try this software. This atypical solution gives you an approximate score for how likely the title is to attract a reader. Isn’t it amazing?

The Top Three Blog Title Generator Recommendations

If you've been struggling to write headlines for your blog posts, you might be even more inconvenienced than writers who struggle to write book titles. The reason for this is that it's easier to come up with great headlines for books, as most people don't really publish a book every week, or even more frequently.

If you're publishing news, tips, or industry-related blogs, chances are that you might benefit from a title generator much more than your book counterpart author. With this in mind, here are a couple of free tool suggestions for more creative title ideas:

#1: Inbound Blog Title Generator

This title generator works simply. All you need to do is enter your keywords, and the software will generate an SEO-friendly title that you can polish, improve, and use as you please.

#2: SEOPressor Blog Title Generator

This blog title generator has a more detailed approach. You not only enter the main keywords for your post, but also use a description, which will help give your blog title a deeper meaning.

#3: Impact Blog Title Generator

This software operates similarly to the previous one, with the added possibility of emailing your suggested book title and preserving it in this fashion.

Use a Human Headline Generator: Hire The Urban Writers

Need help with perfect headlines for your books, blogs, or news website? We're happy to help! Writing compelling headlines is in each writer's job description, so don't worry!

If you have a finished manuscript, or you've already partially completed your online content, don't worry! You can order the exact writing, editing, and design that you need, and our Google-friendly headline writing will come as a free addition.

Frequently asked questions
Can You Pay an Expert to Proofread?

Absolutely! You shouldn't pay others to write your academic work, but it's currently legal to hire someone to proofread your writing.

What's the Average Proofreading Hourly Rate

There's no exact amount for an average proofreading hourly rate. Each freelance proofreader editor charges based on their skills, education, professional background, and experience.

How Much Does Proofreading Cost?

While each editor has their individual pay rates, your cost will vary depending on the type of work you need. It will also depend on the type and volume of your writing.

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