Why Choose to Work With Ghostwriting Companies – The Urban Writers

Why Choose to Work With Ghostwriting Companies

by The Urban Writers

With the rise of ebooks, it’s never been easier to get published. Just one challenge remains: actually writing your book. As it turns out, however, there is a simple solution to that challenge: ghostwriters. Ghostwriting companies will find you the perfect writer who can help bring your book idea to life. By signing a ghostwriting contract with a company like The Urban Writers, you are guaranteed to walk away with a professionally written book with your name on it. In this article, we’ll talk a little more about why people use ghostwriters and why hiring a reputable ghostwriting company is crucial to the success of your writing project.


Why Use a Ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter is a writer you hire to produce your book (or other written content) for you; while they do the writing, the idea is your own and the book is published under your name. Ghostwriting used to have a stigma attached to it, but the practice has become much more popular and accepted in recent decades. In fact, you might be surprised at just how many famous people—and famous books—have hired ghostwriters.

People use ghostwriters for a wide variety of reasons.

Save Time

Writing a book takes a considerable commitment of time. It often takes people months, or even years, to complete a book. A lot of busy people have a story they want to tell but not enough time to sit down and write it. For example, say you’re an entrepreneur and you want to write a book about your industry experience to help build your brand and add a passive income stream. However, your time is already taken up with growing your business; you don’t have extra hours in your day to devote to writing. Working with a ghostwriter cuts down the time you will need to invest in your book considerably. While you might need to spend a few hours with your ghostwriter to discuss your ideas and experiences, they will do all of the heavy lifting when it comes to actually putting words down on paper. And because ghostwriters are experienced professionals, it will take them much less time to write the book than it would take you.

Ensure Quality

A ghostwriter’s experience doesn’t just save you time, it also saves you the trouble of writing. For a lot of people, thoughts about sentence structure and punctuation end when they graduate from school; outside of email and the occasional work report, writing doesn’t play a big role in their day-to-day lives. As a result, writing well is just not a top priority. When you want to publish a book, however, good writing is crucial. Whether you’re a CEO who wants to build your brand or a stay-at-home mom who dreams of publishing your family history for your kids, you want your book to be the best it can be. Using a ghostwriter guarantees that your book will be high-quality and professionally written, without you having to struggle to remember your high school English classes.

Just Get It Done

It’s just a fact: writing a book is difficult. A lot of people dream of writing a book or even start writing one but never finish it. When you sign a ghostwriting contract, the writer is legally obligated to complete the work. In other words, your book will finally just get written.

Steady Content Creation

Ghostwriters don’t just write books; you can also hire them to write blog posts, white papers, website copy, and other professional content. In today’s world, creating a steady stream of valuable content is crucial to keeping your business relevant. Consumers’ attention spans are short and if they aren’t hearing from you regularly, you’re likely to slip their minds. Coming up with all of this content is time-consuming, though, and it can be expensive to have a full-time writer on staff. Ghostwriters can help by generating large amounts of content in a short time, saving you time and money and helping your business grow more smoothly.

These are just some of the benefits of working with a ghostwriter. If this all sounds like music to your ears, you might be wondering how to get started with a ghostwriting contract. As ghostwriting becomes increasingly popular, especially in the business world among entrepreneurs looking to monetize their industry experience, there are lots of ghostwriters floating around out there. Which brings us to the next point . . .

The Top 5 Reasons to Work With a Ghostwriting Company

From job boards like Craigslist and UpWork to word-of-mouth, there are many tools to help you find service providers these days, including ghostwriters. So why should you opt to use a ghostwriting company rather than just finding a freelance ghostwriter? There are a few reasons why choosing a reputable ghostwriting company is in your best interest.

1. Vetted Writers

If you decide to hire a freelance ghostwriter on your own, you’ll have to spend your own time, or that of your employees, tracking down candidates and evaluating their skills. If you don’t know exactly what to look for, you are just rolling the dice and may end up overpaying an inexperienced writer. Ghostwriting companies, on the other hand, have a roster of writers who have already been vetted. These writers have submitted resumes, writing samples, and even references—none of which you have to review yourself.  Because their writers are the face of their brand, ghostwriting companies are likely to be choosy about who they hire. This means that when a ghostwriting company assigns a writer to your project, you can trust that they will do a good job.

2. Increased Bandwidth

Let’s say you have an idea for a book but you also need help creating content for your blog. When you hire a single freelance ghostwriter, they can only work on one project at a time. If you choose to work with a ghostwriting company, however, they can assign multiple writers to work on your projects. This increased bandwidth means that you can get more work done in less time.

3. Team Support

Every writer, no matter how experienced or talented, needs an editor, and that includes ghostwriters. If you hire a freelance ghostwriter, you’ll also need to hire an editor or proofreader to review the work or do so yourself. When you sign a ghostwriting contract with a full-service company, on the other hand, you get a full team of professionals behind your project, not just the writer. All editorial and proofreading work is included, as is account management—no worrying about chasing down the writer for a missed deadline. Some companies even offer book cover design services. Ghostwriting companies also have procedures in place to ensure quality, including preventing plagiarism. This helps to protect your investment, your final product, and your name.

4. Budget Options

Ghostwriting can be an expensive proposition, running into thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars depending on the scope of the project and the experience and industry recognition of the writer. While some freelance ghostwriters might be willing to negotiate on their rates, most have a set cents-per-word fee. Ghostwriting companies, on the other hand, often offer different tiers of pricing. This will allow you to find a package that works for your budget while still ensuring a quality final product.

5. Specific Experience

A freelance ghostwriter you find on your own may or may not have experience with the platform on which you’re looking to publish. Some writers focus mostly on web content, while others write books; some work solely in non-fiction while others write fiction. While a good writer is versatile, experience does play a certain role in the quality of the final product. If you want to publish an ebook, for example, you’ll want someone with an understanding of book structure and of proper ebook formatting. If you’re looking for someone to write blog articles, you’ll want someone with at least a basic understanding of SEO. Ghostwriting companies make it easier to find writers with specific experience. For example, book making companies specialize in the ghostwriting and production of ebooks. Other ghostwriting companies cover a range of writing types, from ebooks to SEO content.

Final Thoughts

As with any other type of service provider, there are good ghostwriters and not-so-good ghostwriters. Ghostwriting can be expensive and you want to make sure you get your money’s worth. Whether you choose to hire a freelance ghostwriter or contract with a ghostwriting company, make sure you do your research. Read reviews or ask fellow entrepreneurs or writers for recommendations. You want to make sure your ghostwriter is responsible, punctual, responsive, and open to feedback from you (this is another mark in favor of ghostwriting companies, as they will weed out any writers with unprofessional attitudes).

At the end of the day, ghostwriting companies can take the time, stress, and hard labor out of writing a book or creating other written content. If you’ve got a story to share but don’t have the time or skills to write it properly, a ghostwriting contract might be the right path for you.



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