Increasing Your Book Sales with Translation: Tips and Strategies – The Urban Writers

Increasing Your Book Sales with Translation: Tips and Strategies for Success

by The Urban Writers

When you take the leap and venture into publishing your first book, or even the next one in your series, sometimes you don't realize how much you are restricting your own potential. What do we mean by this?

Well, yes, most of your audience is most likely English-speaking, but translated books in a foreign market, especially ebooks and audiobooks, are starting to skyrocket in popularity. As authors and creators, you can use tools such as Amazon Direct Publishing to get different languages of your work online and available to the public!

The concept of repurposing content is not new to creators but perhaps your idea of repurposing has only ever been producing an audiobook. Imagine instead, putting in the work once and quadrupling your impact on the market. 

Perhaps translating your books into other languages has never crossed your mind or maybe you just have no idea how to go about it. We’ve researched the process for you and looked into the viability of the foreign markets on offer so that you can take advantage of this opportunity without delay!

translate your ebook quadruple sales potential

Translated Amazon Books—Tap Into an International Market!

You are limitless! We need that to sink in. Because once you believe that the literary world is your oyster, it really is! The international markets are available for you to stand in; all you need to know is how and where to look for advice.

Luckily for you, we know quite a lot about translating books into German and Spanish, so stick around and see what we have to say!

Why Should Creators Have Translated Books?

The benefits of translating a book far outweigh the risks. This remains especially true if you have noticed a marked uptake in sales of your work within regions that speak both English and another language.

But, for the sake of popularity, the most tried and tested way to maximize your book's reach and audience profile is by translating it into either Spanish or German. So, why is it so crucial? Well, let's take a look at a few reasons:

  • Access to new markets: As you translate your book, you are creating a wider net for more readers to interact with your content. New markets will reveal themselves, and you may even discover a new target market that you never thought existed in the first place.
  • Increased readership: A book that is translated into multiple languages can potentially reach a larger audience and therefore increase its readership. This is what we, as authors, aim to achieve: The greatest possible degree of engagement with our work!
  • Cultural exchange: Believe it or not, translating a book can help promote cultural exchange and understanding between different countries and cultures. How does this work? Well, by translating into, say, Spanish or German, you are showing that you value their culture to the extent that you would translate your work so they can understand it better!
  • International recognition: You don't need to be a bestseller to translate your book into multiple languages. For many authors, it was only when they took the leap and translated their work that they obtained the recognition, prestige, and popularity that they have today.
  • Greater disposable income: Translating a book can also potentially increase revenue from book sales and royalties. In this way, you have more money to do even more and better work! There really is only one cycle of benefit that we see here!

So we agree, it sounds so good on paper, but how in the world do you even get started? Is there an algorithm that you need to take into consideration? What about the receptiveness of book sales in foreign markets?

Do not fret; all will be revealed very soon!

hire reliable translators


Where Can You Centralize All Your Books?

By now, you have probably noticed that your potential to earn more cash by translating your work is as evident as the day is from the night. But, you may be wondering how you are going to keep track of how well your translated books are doing.

This is where Amazon Author Central (AAC) comes into play. As soon as you decide to self-publish through Amazon, you are given access to a dashboard that has all of your work in one neat place.

This dashboard will let you see downloads, trends, which regions are reading your work, and even how much revenue you have made! The joy about using Amazon is that it allows you to even create printed works of translated books for those who are still fans of paperback versions!

Not only can you post all your work, but you can also create your own profile so people can learn more about you. Your profile photo, which languages you have translated your work into, and even a bit more about you will enhance the relatability of your readers to your work!

You can even create some custom events to launch the release of a new translation of your work! Just imagine how cool it would be to have a German-themed release event. Nonetheless, AAC has so many more benefits, a few of which are the following:

  • A heightened appearance when others search for the genre your work falls into! When you use AAC, it improves the likelihood that your books will be picked up by the search algorithm. So, the more activity you have on your page, based on how much effort you have put into representing yourself, the more your sales traction will grow!
  • Accessibility for searching inside. For those of you who are self-publishing your newly translated book, should you hold the copyright to your book, then you qualify for Amazon's Search Inside Program! Think of this as a sneak peek that you are giving your readers, allowing them to access parts of the text and even the table of contents. What a way to wet their palate, right?

You want to create a brand! Creating this brand, especially while pivoting into a new market, such as translating your work, is relatively easy if you know what to do and which resources to use! Stick with us, and you'll never be led astray!

Tapping Into the European Ebook Market

With one of the densest populations of languages per square meter, the European ebook market, is growing rapidly. Not to mention, German and Spanish are common languages across a lot of European countries. So why not go ahead and try your hand at translating your book?

However, many know that there is a lot of potential to break into the European market, leading to a sense of market oversaturation. The positive of this? Everyone is doing the same thing, so standing out is actually pretty easy!

Standing Out in International Markets

As we said, standing out isn't that difficult when everyone is doing the same thing. So here are some of the ways that you can stand out in an international market, especially if you want to translate your book into another language:

  • Start out with what you know: When we talk about translating your book, what we don't mean is writing the entire manuscript in Spanish when you (a) cannot speak it and (b) don't even have the English content done and dusted! See how your audience enjoys your content, and then pivot into different languages from there.
  • Use a reputable translating service: If you have already decided to translate your work, please don't go and use Google Translate. You need a native-speaker level of grammar, punctuation, and adjective use that Google Translate just won't factor in! Use qualified freelancers that are proficient in the respective languages. We have all you need at The Urban Writers (TUW).
  • Effective marketing: It is important to remember that one marketing strategy for a specific audience may not work for another. When you are translating your work and entering an international market, you may need to change your marketing approach. Tracking your statistics on AAC will help you with that!
  • Add unique illustrations: Just because the overarching content of your work is the same, it doesn't mean that your illustrations need to be. Converting or creating some imagery in the new language your work is in will provide individuality that readers appreciate! Not to mention some of your fans will probably see them as a limited edition!

Traversing an international market has been made that much simpler with the presence of technology. However, knowing the frameworks to use and how to maximize their benefits is how you are going to gear yourself up for success!

develop international footprint ebook market

What The Urban Writers (TUW) Offers

Have you been wondering how your work will sound in Spanish and German? Well, today is your lucky today because currently, that is the translation service that we are offering you!

Not only do we have qualified freelancers ready to assist you, but we also make sure that your book's core message is carried across in all aspects of the translation. This is what many authors don't take into consideration when they get their books translated at a rather low price.

You've described your initial work perfectly. You've generated enough emotion to allow your reader to be gripped by each sentence they read. You want this same effect with your translated text, and we are confident in our freelancers that you will get that and so much more!

In Summary

As the world evolves, we need to evolve with it. When it comes to your written work, it is no different. Many individuals now know more than one language, with languages such as German and Spanish having the fastest uptake!

This is why it is important to break into these new markets and let your work be known to the world! If you don't know where to start, get in touch with one of our sales representatives today, and we will be more than happy to walk you through this process!


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