In-Person Author Events Benefits to Boost Your Career – The Urban Writers

Offline Opportunities: How In-Person Events Can Boost Author Careers

In this piece, we are going to dive into the benefits of in-person author events and how you can use offline events to network.

Boosting Your Author Career Through Offline Events

During the global pandemic, the world went even more online than it had been in the decade prior. Before 2020, author events took place both offline and online, but once lockdowns started, gatherings had to be done virtually. Now that that era of our lives has passed, we are once again seeing a rise in opportunities for networking at in-person author gatherings.

While online author events are not bad (and actually do have some advantages), in-person author events have benefits that are unique to the offline world. It's possible the resurgence in offline events after the pandemic is because, for so long, we couldn't really socialize in the "normal" way we did before. Maybe we took in-person interactions for granted before, and we are finally appreciating how good it is to talk to each other without looking at a screen.

In-Person Author Event Benefits

Offline events are widely different from online ones and come with different challenges. At the same time, there are major opportunities for boosting your author career through offline events. Here are 5 big in-person author event benefits.

Passionate Fans

As a writer, you'll have your target audience in mind. Maybe different members of your imagined target audience look different. But as for the people who show up to your author events, one thing is for sure: You will meet your most passionate fans and followers. Whether the event is specifically for your book or for a lot of authors, it's a certainty that avid readers of your genre will attend. Engaging with these fans can help you retain readers for your future books.


At the end of the day, you are trying to sell copies of your book. It's much easier to do this in person than digitally. Even if your readers want to buy your book some other time, you have the chance to make a good impression with them. And there will be a lot of readers who go to book events to make purchases, too.


You probably know by now that social media is a key way of promoting yourself as an author. And in order to create good social media posts that get traction, you need good content. At in-person events, you have the opportunity to take photographs that you can use on Instagram and BookTok.


Networking at in-person author gatherings is a crucial part of attending an offline author event. You will have the opportunity to meet other authors and figures within the publishing industry.


You've worked hard on your book over the course of your writing and publishing journey, and an author gathering is a chance to enjoy the fruits of your labor. One advantage of in-person author events is that you can make more genuine social connections than you would online. Not only can you boost your author career through offline events, but you can also boost your self-esteem and ensure you feel motivated for your next project. One of the major benefits of in-person author events is that they are a lot of fun and will be a positive experience for you.

Types of In-Person Author Events

Offline author events come in different forms. Here are just some examples of in-person author events that benefit your career.

  • Readings: Often for a new release (or an updated version of a book), an author will read a section of their book to an audience. There may be multiple authors reading pieces of the same genre.
  • Panel Discussions: These events will include a host and a panel of authors who write on a particular topic. The host and the audience will ask the panelists different questions about their book.
  • Book Launch: It's exciting to get a book published, and a book launch is a good way of celebrating. It's like a party dedicated to your book being published.
  • Festivals: These big events usually take place in large conference halls, with lots of readers displaying their work.

Oftentimes, author events have characteristics of more than one type of event. Various types of in-person author events can take place at local venues like libraries or schools. Book clubs or writers' groups could organize offline gatherings involving attending an author event or inviting authors to their group. You can boost your author career through offline events by attending a variety of different events in different locations.

Networking at In-Person Author Gatherings

One of the biggest benefits of an in-person author event is the opportunity to network. You can meet people from different areas of the publishing industry, whether it's writers, marketers, or publishers.

When you're networking, you want to think about what's called your elevator pitch. This is a short way of selling an idea to someone. You should have a succinct pitch for your book and your author brand. It's worth rehearsing this before you show up to an event.

Be prepared for networking at in-person author gatherings by getting your business cards or contact information printed up, as well as some copies of your book. It's easy to get nervous when you have to approach people to network with, so take a deep breath and think about what you are going to say, and remember to let them talk too! You could be fortunate enough to meet someone to collaborate with.

5 Things to Remember When Networking

  1. Always consider the real person you are talking to, not just their job. Be polite and courteous.
  2. When you are talking to someone in the publishing industry, exchange contact information.
  3. Call people by their names and thank them for their time.
  4. Don't let one negative interaction put you off doing more networking.
  5. Before you start talking to someone, think of 2-4 key points you want to make.

Final Thoughts

In-person author events have benefits in terms of networking and can help you boost your career.


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