AI Content Creation Is Not the Big Bad Wolf – The Urban Writers

AI Content Creation Is Not the Big Bad Wolf

by The Urban Writers

Creating perfect content is not as easy as many would think. Yes, you need to string words together in a fashionable manner, but everything you write still needs to make sense.

Many writers today would rather struggle for months on end to create their version of a perfect manuscript instead of leaning on the assistance of AI. The reason for this is that using any AI content creation tool is seen as being the big, bad wolf of the tech industry.

At The Urban Writers (TUW), we use AI as a way to provide you with the most perfect manuscript you have ever seen. But let us preface what we use AI for. A human will always write your manuscript, but then we will leverage AI to ensure all the facts are correct and based on the latest research evidence.

So, upon receipt of your completed manuscript, there are no content gaps, and you have a publication-ready product. Basically, we use AI writing assistance to ensure the quality of work you receive is way above the amount you pay for it.
Customer needs and Freelancers using AI

What Makes AI-Assisted Writing Stand Out?

Whether you are making use of TUW’s services to write your next novel or you need our help creating content for your next marketing campaign, there are so many different key benefits that AI can harness to ensure our teams, writers, and editors give you the perfect end product.

A few of these key benefits include the following:

  • Collecting the most recent facts: Sometimes when writing, especially with many of the nonfiction books our freelancers create, some of the information provided by the customer’s outline is outdated. By using AI, we make sure that only the most recent and accurate facts, statistics, and references are incorporated into the writing.
  • AI content optimization: This doesn’t necessarily refer to the facts that are in your written piece but refers more to the flow, style, and tone that your content is written in. Naturally, you would want your content to perform as well as possible in comparison to other content creators. By optimizing your content, you will already be one step ahead!
  • Keeping the human touch with any AI content writing: Now, AI will not be able to produce an entire book or blog with the simple click of a button. They require some human control to work properly. The more detailed and varied the information you supply your writer, the better they will be able to use AI writing assistance to create the ideal collection of material for you. It really is that straightforward. Needless to add, it demonstrates how hard writers work throughout the entire process!

You see, our teams and writers do not rely purely on AI when creating your end product. At most, they will use this technology to augment the quality and accuracy of what they are writing or editing.

Some Advice On Using AI Content Creators

AI-Assisted Writing and AI Content Editing

Normally, when you request one of our services, whether it be translation, novel creation, or SEO-optimized content, your order will go through a set of writers and editors.

These teams are trained to work manually, making sure that at least 99% of the entire order is complete before running it through either an AI-assisted writing tool or through a different application that deals only with AI content editing.

Now, although there is a certain finesse that one needs to have when doing any form of content creation, there are a few tidbits of creator-specific information that you should know. That is, if you are still thinking that AI is the big bad wolf.

AI-Powered Content Augments Your Social Media Experience

When you need to go ahead and do some advertising for your business, it may be rather difficult to know where to start. Which topics do you focus on? Do you focus on imagery or a combination of a few images with well-thought-out descriptions? AI can help you solve this issue!

The ideas that are generated with the aid of AI provide unique solutions and ideas that are unlike those of your competition. Ultimately, you will still be responsible for putting everything together. But the most time-consuming part is the thinking, and AI helps you take care of that!

On-Page AI Plagiarism Checker

With the implementation of an AI-assisted writing tool, as the writer writes, areas of plagiarism are picked up by the AI tool, flagged, and alternative phrasing is offered to the writer. What a perfect way to ensure a pristine manuscript on the go, right?

This will not only create a seamless workflow experience for the writer, but it will also ensure your deadlines are met and that you can move forward with publishing your masterpiece either on time or even earlier than expected!

Forming Catchy Taglines

Taglines are rather difficult to put together, especially with AI around. After all, there are many things that humans can do better than AI! Creating catchy taglines that are picked up through search engines is one of them.

Through using AI to generate ideas for social media posts like we mentioned above, it gives our writers the perfect foundation to string together the perfect taglines that best represent your work! Not to mention you’ll be reeling in the website traffic!

Yes, AI-powered generators are becoming popular, but there are so many potholes that the general public is starting to notice. This remains especially true with businesses that plug in random words and copy and paste what the generator kicks out.

Let our writers help you stand out—after all, we are the ones that create the perfect taglines, slogans, and content.

Fictional AI Content Creation

When you provide our team with a brief outline of how you want your fictional story to go, most of the time it is up to our writers to fill in the blanks. After all, that is their expertise! But writer's block is real, and sometimes it is rather difficult to overcome.

So, for this reason, a writer may use AI content creation to help generate some new plots, characters, and even some items of significance. Sometimes all one needs is a bit of a cognitive boost, and by using AI, you are getting options that you would never have considered.

How We Use an AI Content Creator

What AI Writing Assistance Do Our Freelancers Use?

There is such a wide variety of different AI tools available online. After all, it is seen as the new buzzword and a bandwagon that everyone wants to get on! But there are definitely a few that are used a lot more often than others.

Here are some of the AI writing tools that many of our freelancers have used to create bestsellers:

  • Grammarly has been seen all across the web and is well-known for its ability to be a proficient AI-powered grammar checker. It has the ability to not only help writers improve their grammar, but will even provide recommendations on punctuation and spelling! It has become so popular that it even has browser extensions available across your common writing systems, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
  • Hemingway is usually used hand-in-hand with Grammarly, as where the latter focuses on the grammar, Hemingway focuses on the content’s readability. We all want to read information in the most concise and least complex way possible. Hemingway is the perfect tool for that and so much more!
  • ProWritingAid is an up-and-coming writing assistant that provides you with the use of a contextual thesaurus. This means that commonly used words will have alternative and less commonly used suggestions that will enable your content to stand out even more!
  • Wordtune is the AI tool of choice if you want to focus on the tone and clarity of your writing. Whether it be alternative phrases or word choices, you don’t need to look further when wanting to change the flow of your manuscript.
  • Copyscape is, as its name says, a means to ensure that there is no plagiarism from any other source. It takes plagiarism very seriously, scouring through articles, ads, blog posts, and even newspaper articles to ensure the content that is being published is original!

As you can see, what all of these different AI-assisted writing tools have in common is that they only augment the writing process. They do not replace it! So, it is then safe to say that AI really isn’t the big bad wolf of the internet.

In Summary

There is a misconception among many customers that writers will use AI to write the entirety of their order. Because, after all, if they use AI, then what are they actually paying for?

But, by asking about how AI is used within their writing processes, you can see that it is only approximately 1% of the entire process! Writers have a repertoire that technology simply cannot mimic. Thus, it is nearly impossible to replace the humanness of writing with an AI tool!


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