5 Ways Reading Makes You A Better Writer – The Urban Writers

5 Ways Reading Makes You A Better Writer

by The Urban Writers

5 Ways Reading Makes You A Better Writer


You’re writing a book, but you’re struggling to nail the flow, style, and grammar throughout the writing process. It can be challenging to get into the swing of writing a book, especially when you’re a new author. Reading works done by other authors can help you to grow as a writer holistically.

On the other hand, you may be an experienced, expert writer, but you still have room for growth. Regardless of your age or experience, you can still learn from the experience of other writers. It’s important to use reading as a tool for both enjoyment and growth! In this article, we’ll cover five ways you’ll benefit from reading more as an author.

Learning From Other Authors 


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels 

No one is too perfect to learn something new. Even notorious, talented authors look to other writers for help and growth. We can all learn something from each other, enabling us to grow into well-skilled, passionate writers. When you read books from other authors, it teaches you so much, as well as inspires you to do better!

Learning How To Write a Bestseller

As an author, you probably spend time dreaming of writing a bestseller.  We all want to get acknowledged for our great writing and produce work that people genuinely enjoy reading. To get to this level, you need to read some of the bestsellers out there. From this, you can learn what it takes for a book to become a bestseller.

The beauty of reading is that you can learn something different from each book. However, you may find that there are consistent factors from each bestselling book that makes them so highly desired. Some things you may learn from bestsellers and notorious authors in the writing world are

  • How to grab reader's attention and keep them engaged throughout the whole book.
  • Staying focused on the main plot, while introducing side lots.
  • Choosing one perspective so you don’t confuse the reader.

Finding Unique Pieces 

Although learning the tricks and techniques of a bestseller is important, it’s also useful to learn about unique writing styles. You should expand your library with books from unknown authors with unique writing styles, plots, and stories. This will open you to a whole new world of writing, which can inspire you to create something out of the box.

Learning More About Your Genre 

Most authors like to stick to a specific genre, as it’s a category that they’re most interested in and passionate about. Choosing one or two genres to specialize in helps you to stay focused as a writer. You get to master the genre and create books of high quality.

To learn more about your chosen genre, you should read other books within this genre. Explore the popular, underground, and wacky books in this genre, so you can get a broad idea of what it entails. Just because you’re focusing on one genre doesn’t mean you should feel limited in your writing. Learn about everything your genre can be.

Reading books for your chosen genre helps you to learn about it holistically, as well as learn whether it’s an intriguing genre that people would find interest in. You will also get the chance to learn a lot about your competition in this genre. This will help you write a book that stands out from all the similar books in your genre.

Becoming a Grammar Master

Focusing on your grammar constantly can be very frustrating at times. You just want to go with the flow of your writing without having to check your grammar constantly. When you read a lot, you subconsciously pick up on grammar and writing styles.

The Importance of Proper Grammar When Writing A Book

Having good grammar will make you sharper when you write, allowing you to write effortlessly and professionally. Your mind is so used to reading correct grammar that it becomes second nature for you to write properly. Perfecting your grammar helps a lot in the following ways:

  • The editing process becomes lighter. If your book is riddled with grammar mistakes, you need to do multiple phases of editing to ensure no mistakes get past you. This can be strenuous on you or the editor you may have hired. You may even find that you don’t need to hire an editor and save that cost!
  • Less to no mistakes are in your final product. When there are more grammar mistakes, it’s more likely for mistakes to be left behind on the final product. The fewer grammar mistakes you make in your rough copy will count in your favor, as it makes you and your book look more professional.
  • Saves you time. Editing a book can take a lot of your time, especially when you’re doing heavy editing. Doing multiple phases of editing is time-consuming. However, if your mistakes are minimal, you can even do one round of editing and then proofread quickly. 

Finding Passion In Books

writing better

Photo by Maggie Zhan via Pexels 

If you’re a writer, chances are you have a passion for books or writing in general. However, this passion can be lost or forgotten throughout the process of your writing journey, especially if you’re writing something on a topic you’re not interested in. 

For example, if you’re passionate about romance novels but you’re currently writing a non-fiction book about finances, it can make it difficult for you to remember why you started writing in the first place. It can also be challenging to keep your passion for books when you haven’t read any enjoyable books in a while. 

How Reading Books Reignites Passion 

Have you ever read a breathtaking book that left you in awe? You enjoyed it so much that you wish you were the one who had written it. It’s these types of books that can reignite our passion for writing and books. These are some ways you can use books to refuel your passion and excitement:

  • Set aside time to read. It can be challenging to find time to read, especially when you have a busy schedule of writing all day. But, it’s important to set aside time for reading, even if it’s only 30 minutes each day. Choose a convenient time so you can practice it consistently.
  • Make a list of must-reads. You may not feel like reading because you don’t know where to start and what to read. You can start by looking up some must-read books and adding the ones that pique your interest to a list. After this, you should have a list you can work through gradually. 
  • Re-read your favorite books. Do you have a favorite book that inspired you and is the reason you became a writer? Re-reading these books can be just what you need to regain your passion and love for books!

Overcoming Writer’s Block 

As a writer, writer’s block is something you’re bound to come across in your writing career. It can be extremely frustrating when you have a deadline to meet, but your mind feels a creative block. You struggle to come up with content or write a cohesive piece. Sometime’s taking the time to stop and read can help you overcome writer’s block.

Reading other people’s work can inspire creativity within you, as it gets you out of that rut! Other writers' great works can motivate you to create a masterpiece. When you experience writer’s block, take some time out of your day and do the following:

  • Find a good classic. You can never go wrong with a classic book. Reading some good writing may be just what you need to get yourself out of this creative block. Ensure you choose a book to read that is of interest to you.
  • Read within your genre. It can be helpful to read a book of the current genre you’re writing for. This can give you inspiration  for your own book. It can also help you to see how exciting the genre can be!
  • Submerge yourself into the reading experience. Often writer’s block is caused by burnout or exhaustion, so it’s important to find a book you’re able to fully dive into despite your fatigue. You’ll only benefit from reading if you truly submerge yourself into the experience.

Another way to beat writer’s block, as well as improve your writing is by reading your writing to others. This helps you to take the time to listen to your words properly and you can get feedback from others. 


Reading may seem like a big chore, especially when you’re tired from writing all day. But, reading will help you improve drastically at your craft. You learn so much from other skilled writers, and they can learn so much from you and your books in return. 

To be a great writer, you must be willing to always learn and grow. This mindset will allow you to forever improve both through your writing and reading. The best writers in the world are those who read often and find passion in it. It’s time for you to start prioritizing your reading time, so you can write the next bestseller!


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