5 Easy Ways to Become a Full-Time Freelance Writer – The Urban Writers

5 Easy Ways to Become a Full-Time Freelance Writer

Added: Writing
by The Urban Writers

You love to write! Friends and family tell you how talented you are and ask, “Why don't you write for a living?” Your dream has always been to write but how do you break into freelance writing jobs? Do you have what it takes to be a freelance writer? Is it possible to make freelance writing a full-time job?

There are so many burning questions to answer about freelance writers’ work! Let’s explore how you can break into the freelance world and what you need to specifically do to make that happen as it is very possible (and easy!) to become a full-time writer.

Here are 5 easy ways for you to start writing freelance on a full-time basis.


1. Choose Your Niche

This one can be tough but it’s time to narrow down what you want to write about and where your expertise really lies. Remember, sometimes less is more. By concentrating on one topic/subject you are good at, you can focus on finding writing opportunities that work. 

If you are trying to be an expert on too many subjects, it can be overwhelming and you may find yourself stuck. For example, if you have a passion for cooking, spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and have a knack for creating new and interesting recipes, then this may be the writing avenue for you.

Also, decide what you are best at when it comes to styles. Do you like blogging or writing ebooks, essays, recipes? Write a list of what types of writing you want to do and find a company such as The Urban Writers; they offer a variety of writing jobs so you have options if you are still looking for your niche

Without narrowing down your expertise, it can become overwhelming to find what you are looking for. As a writer, you can create pieces with a lot of impact if it’s close to your heart. Choosing your niche can help you become recognized by a larger audience and show your personality through your work.

2. Blog

Have you started a blog? If not, start blogging about your passion and share it. A blog is a good way to get your name known and for people to associate you with specific expertise or passion.

By blogging, you are practicing your writing skills while getting your pieces out there for your audience to read and share. Having your own platform to share your writing is key for companies to see what you, as a writer, have to offer. With so many easy options to create a website, it is important for writers who freelance to have their own brand.

Freelance writing can turn into more options for the future and, as a writer, you want to be ready for that! With your blog, another advantage to writing freelance is being able to reach out to other bloggers. Finding bloggers in the same niche as you as we spoke about earlier provides a good referral source and opportunity to find more writers work for you to be a part of.

Searching out these opportunities is key to being a remote writer. On the other hand, you can also write diversely. Of course, knowing your strengths and topics that are more your area are key, but companies such as The Urban Writers have so many topics available that you can explore other areas. This encourages writers to become (more) creative and also gain valuable knowledge (and experience) for a variety of topics that they otherwise wouldn’t write about.

3. Build a Portfolio

Build a portfolio all about you. Be sure to include any past writing projects you have done. Whether past or current project, build your portfolio so it shows your progression and focuses on your talent. Include all styles of writing from short and long stories to poems and articles. The more variety, the more remote writing opportunities will be available to you.

A portfolio shows you are a professional and showcases the abilities you have. When building your portfolio, be sure to include any media, mentions, and testimonials. Be unique and stand out with all the examples you have, whether big or small. The more examples that can be viewed, the more opportunities will open up to you.

Having a readily available portfolio will always be helpful when presented with opportunities that require you to showcase what you, as a writer, have to offer. Make sure to include the kinds of content that you would want to get paid for; for example, if you want clients who need a copywriter, then those are the content pieces you need to focus on in your portfolio.

Another great way to build your portfolio is being featured in guest posts for experience and to get your name out there (and this is a great way to build your reputation if you are a newbie!). Often, you may not get paid for writing guest posts but being a guest post writer is always valuable and very helpful for your portfolio. Showcasing these guest posts on your website or portfolio makes you look even more appealing as a writer to potential clients as it clearly showcases your talent and skills.

The writing world is very competitive and sometimes writing work can seem scarce in regard to earning enough and finding enough opportunities. Building your portfolio can ensure you are just one step ahead of being a successful full-time freelance writer.

4. Social Media Marketing

Get social! When prospective clients look for freelancers to join their team, the more content you have on social media platforms, the better! Be sure to be regular with your content and consistent. Clean branding messages and shared content will show your commitment and trust as a writer. A writer's work is always being critiqued, so make it count.

On the other side, you can also find freelance writing jobs on Facebook and LinkedIn groups, and these can bring more opportunities for you. Join relevant social media groups, like these freelance writing groups on LinkedIn, to help boost your chance at expanding your career as a writer.

Instagram is huge now, so become known and promote yourself and what you do. Using relevant hashtags to connect with other writers is helpful. That is the beauty of social media – you can connect with people from all around the world and get jobs from anywhere. Your writing can be sent to the other side of the world with the click of a button! Get active on your social media and you will discover connections you never thought possible.

The social media world can be a huge influence on the amount of jobs you can accumulate as a writer. Making sure your social media is up to date and having a brand that shows what you have to offer as a writer is key. Social media can truly make writing remotely a full-time career because you will find jobs you otherwise wouldn’t easily discover.

5. Submit Samples of Your Writing

Any chance you get, submit samples of your writing. This can be to pitch to companies and brands where you may want to find paid writing work and to gain more writer's work experience. Submit samples/clips of any past writing that may relate to the topic you are hoping to be hired as a contract writer. The more you pitch, the more writing opportunities may come your way so your freelance career can become a full-time job and bring you regular income.

If writing is your passion, you will make writing work as a full-time career rather than just a side gig. Many people write as a side project because they do not believe it can become their full-time job. However, it is possible to make enough money as a writer; you just have to get yourself out there to as many companies as possible. Be prepared to write till you can’t write anymore! Make your passion a reality.

Submitting samples can also be guest blogging in order to increase your views and awareness of your writing. Most writing opportunities, and those that are higher paid, are not for magazines and newspapers; most of the money lies in writing for companies who need white papers, reports, and articles to convert, plus those that advertise writing positions for ebooks and the like. Writing samples for these companies (even as trial jobs) creates a routine of consistently writing, which is a must for freelance success.


If freelance writing is something you want to break into and, as you have seen here, you can, then these kinds of jobs are available in abundance; you just have to make the effort to find these opportunities.

Following these 5 easy steps above, finding work as a full-time writer should be easier than you may have thought possible. Make a plan, and by following our tips above, you’ll be on your way to becoming a freelance writer full-time in no time. 


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