10 SEO Golden Rules for Driving Traffic | The Urban Writers

10 Golden Rules of Writing Awesome SEO Articles for Your Blog

Added: SEO Writing
by The Urban Writers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is becoming rapidly more important. Why? Because utilizing SEO will help put your content at the top of search pages.

SEO has improved sales for 91% of marketers, which is reason enough to optimize your page. And, even if you have nothing to sell, SEO will improve your brand visibility significantly and/or help you connect with your readers and fans. Here are 10 golden SEO article tips to boost site traffic and increase sales.

Inside the Article

When writing an article, use unique keywords and focused content that will naturally drive people to your website. If you aim to sell products or services on your site, narrow down your topic to suit your niche.

1.     Use Unique Keywords

Keywords or phrases are what Google uses to rank your articles. So, when someone types your keyword into a Google search, your page comes up.

But, the only way your article will make it to the top of the list is if more people visit your site. And the only way to do that is through using unique keywords.

First, research keywords to see what other people are looking for. If your article is about daisies, search it on Google to see what articles pop up. Usually, there is a list of questions others have asked for that can give you some diversity.

Your keywords should have some unique element. For example, there are 587 million results for the word “daisies,” but there are only 1 million for their scientific name: “bellis perennis.”

There are several websites that will check for how well your keywords match with your topics. Keyword Density Checker, Free Keyword Density Analyzer Tool, and Live Keyword Analysis are free resources to improve your SEO results.

Use two or three keywords for your article that people can use in their search and plan where you put them in your article. You shouldn’t clump all of your keywords in one place, but add them in different sections that can improve your results.

2.     Quality and Unique Content

Think about the last time you stayed on a website that was a single white page that told you everything you already knew. You probably didn’t want to stay on that page for long.

People want to find content that is unique, that will teach them something new, or will help them find other resources. Sure, it’s a bummer if they don’t stay on your page for long so that is why your content should be unique and of high quality. The more people coming to your website (and staying for longer), the higher your ranking will be in a Google search.

Become a master in your field and if you are planning to write blogs, you know something someone else doesn’t! So, use it!

Once you have your audience hooked on your content, make them stay with the quality of your articles. No one wants to read an article that has a hundred spelling or factual errors.

Use humor to encourage people to keep reading and add unique spins to your content. Every writer has a personality, so don’t be afraid to show yours.

If you don’t have enough information, get some from someone else. You can learn a lot about your field by interviewing others.

3.     Add Images

An image is worth 1,000 words, so if your audience sees images that have nothing to do with what you are writing about, they will click away from your page faster than greased lightning. Optimize your images by using your keywords and sections as a basis.

If possible, use your own images. Stock images will work, but the greater connection you have with your images, the more likely they will relate to your content.

Plus, if you use your own images, you will get more responses from visitors to your site. Everyone has seen a stock photo, but your eye for photography is unique.

Do not load your page with high-quality photos. It keeps your pages from loading quickly, which means that people will rather choose another website to visit than wait for yours.

Since Google is results driven, the more people clicking out of your page, the less likely you are to make the first page, let alone the top results. Focus on getting people to your website before directing them to higher quality photos.

4.     Authority Links

Authority links give your page more substance. Think about it: are you more likely to listen to someone who has a PhD or someone who spent the last few years doing nothing but wandering the streets?

If you are just starting, add links to pages that are already ranking high in Google searches. Your association with their page will benefit them and you.

However, don’t link to competitors’ pages. For example, if you are trying to sell rings, don’t link your page to someone else selling rings, even if they have a great article. They will get more traffic than you, and you don’t want that, right?

Use sources that complement your page. Link to pages that go into further detail about your subject (or specific part of it) or offer a service or product that will help your readers.

Once you have enough articles of your own, link to your own pages. Include at least two links to your pages for the best results. And you can always come back to add links later.

Article Layout

A sophisticated article layout keeps people coming to your page. Not only should your images reflect what’s on your page, but they should make looking at your web page pleasing to the eye. Know how to write an SEO article by shortening the delivery.

5.     Article Length

When was the last time you went to a page, looked at the scroll bar, and realized that there were too many words on the page? People usually search for quick answers to their questions, so writing a blog with 10,000 words may keep people from visiting your site.

Research articles similar to your subject on Google. The top three results (not including the ads) will tell you the length people are looking for in an article.

The average number of words in an SEO article is 2,000 words. Any more than that and people may start to lose interest.

Of course, the type of page you run also determines how many words to use. Online stores typically have around 500 words, how-to articles have about 1,000 - 2,000, and information-heavy articles or in-depth guides have more than 2,000.

6.     Paragraph Length

Unlike books, web pages should have short paragraphs. Keep your paragraph lengths to one to three sentences.

Article readers are looking for fast answers, so long paragraphs make most eyes glaze.

Use language that middle-schoolers can understand. You are not writing a thesis for your doctoral degree, so don’t make readers wallow through endless difficult words.

Keep your sentences and words short. Your readers will appreciate your direct content.

7.     Photo and Video Placement

Bright, vibrant colors and designs get people’s attention. There is a reason colors are used often in the marketing world.

Think of SEO as marketing. You are driving traffic to your site and encouraging them to read your articles. Bright colors often lift moods, and each color makes people react differently.

Pictures and videos also help people better understand a subject. Many people are visual learners, so seeing how processes work is helpful.

Many people are drawn to sites because they have videos, just like kids when a TV was wheeled into their classrooms.

Using Google

The 10 golden rules would not be complete without understanding how Google affects your SEO. Google can give you tips in how to succeed with SEO and improve the results-driven search engine.

8.     SEO Title and First Heading

The SEO title appears on the Google search page when readers search for a website that specializes in their topic. So, to improve your traffic, use your main keyword.

This title affects the way your page is ranked. Someone looking for salmon is not going to find a search result about dogs on the first page of a Google search.

Your first page impression comes from your SEO title, so make it as accurate as possible. Guide as much natural traffic as you can.

The SEO title also includes your brand. If readers like your content, they will look for your brand in the future, so make sure it is included.

If your SEO title is too long, not all of it will be featured on the search results screen, so limit the character length to 60 characters, including spaces.

The first heading on your page (that is, your actual web page where your article is hosted) does not have to be the SEO title, but it should follow the same keyword styles. Give your readers a more in-depth look at what your article is about using less than 150 characters.

9.     Meta Description

The meta description is a short synopsis of your page right under your SEO title. People can get a snapshot of what your page is about by looking at the meta description.

Your meta description should be no more than 160 words, including spaces. Give enough information about your page that they want to visit.

Include your main keyword and possibly lesser keywords into the meta description. The more keywords you have, the more likely your page will show up on the first search page. Remember, though, to make everything grammatically correct.

Make the meta description clickable. Use ellipses, exciting language, and unique phrasing. No one wants to visit a page with a meta description that starts with “In this blog article…”

10.Google Analytics

Page speed should be one of your most important goals, and you can find out how well your page works with Google Analytics.

Google Analytics tracks your site and web pages to see how many visitors come. You can adjust your keywords and articles and experiment with the changes in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics lets you know where your visitors are from. If your articles are getting more traction in South Africa than the United States (for example), adjust your articles to that audience.

Discover your click path to see how people come to your page. Find out where your readers have come from to encourage them to come back.

Find out what pages are doing the best and the worst. Once you find out which pages are suffering, you can use these SEO tips to increase traffic.


By following the 10 golden rules for SEO to drive traffic to your site, you will see more natural traffic and improve your spot on the Google search page. Whether you are new to business or have been using SEO for a long time, there is always something to improve.


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